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5 Reasons To Claim

  1.   Cover your losses

If you have been injured in an accident and you have had to take time off work to recover, then you may not have been paid your full wages. Most sick pay schemes will pay you in full for a short period of time, however they reduce to a fraction of full pay over time. You could be thousands of pounds out of pocket through no fault of your own. Making a claim for financial compensation will alleviate your financial stress, because you will be paid a lump sum that incorporates damages for your injuries and loss of earnings.

  1.   Get your life back on track

Being injured in an accident can be a psychological and emotional rollercoaster. You may be scared to leave your home or resume your everyday activities. Making a personal injury claim in the UK could help you to come to terms with your accident, and your solicitor can coordinate any specialist medical care you need to help you feel better and more like your old self. This service alleviates your own burden, because you won’t have to organise medical care for yourself. You will be able to focus on the most important thing – recovery.

  1.   Get family support

It isn’t always just the victim of an accident who is impacted by it. Family members, friends and other loved ones may be traumatised too, or they may require additional support to care for the victim during their recovery period. Making a claim can help with this, because your lawyer can coordinate support for you and your family. Whether you need nurses to provide daily care or care certain days of the week, this can be organised during the claims process and it won’t cost you or your family money.

  1.   You are legally entitled to compensation

The law makes it very clear with regards to claims in the UK – you are legally entitled to financial compensation of you have been injured through no fault of your own. If you have been injured in an accident, whether it be a road traffic accident or a slip, trip or fall in a private or public place, you are entitled to make a claim for compensation. There’s nothing immoral about making a claim and insurance companies set aside millions of pounds to pay compensation to victims of accidents every year.

  1.   You could get compensation within weeks

Claims can be completed in as little as 6-8 weeks if there are no complications and the third party accepts liability. Key to this process is getting a good lawyer who is experienced handling your kind of claim. Evidence will also need to be collected and you will need to attend a medical examination to ascertain the extent of your injuries, your recovery period and your prognosis for the future. If everything is followed properly and the process is carried out effectively, you could have compensation in just a few months.

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