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Beautiful Novelty Fireworks


Everybody loves fireworks and you can shop for fireworks to your heart’s content with ACME fireworks.  However, if you are getting a bit tired of the constant sparklers and roman candles, or if you have younger children who simply won’t quite appreciate the marvel of staring up at the sky saying “ oohs” and “ aah” every five minutes, you may want to consider some novelty fireworks.

The Climbing Panda

One of the fantastic novelty fireworks that you could get through ACME fireworks is the climbing panda.  The climbing panda is actually a classic item that you would come across on every corner where you to be in China.  The most amazing sparks come out of this device and a panda slowly but surely emerges out of the fireworks.  Kids will love it, as will adults.

Firecracker One

Firecracker one, another great novelty piece of firework offered by ACME fireworks is not quite a bird, not quite a plane.  It is the Air Force One of the fireworks.  It is completely unique, spending at least thirty seconds emitting pearls in all sorts of colors from its back engine.  It then does a forward roll before it leaves the ground.  Once in the air, it has a beautiful crackle finale with – naturally – the three stages whistle.

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