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Selecting a Wood Burning Stove For Your Home

If you have decided to enhance your living room with a wood burning stove, the first step is determining the type most suitable for you and your home.There are two main factors to consider when purchasing a wood burning stove, the first of which is your budget. In order to narrow down what could be a very large search, and prevent the disappointment of finding the perfect stove only to then discover it is out of your price range, work out how much you are able to invest before you begin contacting suppliers or browsing stoves online.

With your budget calculated, your next consideration is what level of heat output you require. Too low an output and your room won’t be warm enough, but install a stove with too high an output and your room will quickly become unbearably hot. The heat output of wood burning stoves is measured in Kilowatt Hours, but don’t worry, you do not need to carry out difficult calculations yourself; there are websites designed to determine the level of heat output appropriate to the size of a room, or you could simply ask a retailer.

If these two considerations do not narrow down the choice completely, the rest is personal preference. Consider whether you want a traditional or modern style and whether you want a stove that is inset and blends in or whether you want one that will provide a focal point for your living room. Once you have determined the stove that is appropriate for you, it is simply a matter of the design you like the most.

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